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Summit Azerion | JW Marriott


A triumph of innovation and excellence with RAVA!

JW Marriott Venice Resort&Spa

The recent Azerion Summit convention was a significant opportunity for RAVA, contributing to its success by ensuring three days of inspiration and sharing. Despite the scale of the event and the amount of materials required, we managed to create an immersive and engaging experience. Handling such a complex event in Venice, a city that demands extensive organization, was a challenging task. The event, held at the JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa, was characterized by a vibrant and professional atmosphere, made possible by the attention to detail and technical innovation that are the hallmark of RAVA’s services.

Design Approach

The complexity of the event lay not only in managing different spaces but also in organizing simultaneous and varied activities. In addition to the main convention, we organized interactive workshops and a gala dinner in a tent structure in the garden of Isola delle Rose, each with unique implementation and outcome requirements.
We provided the best equipment on the market, with state-of-the-art tools. However, the real strength was our team of highly qualified professionals, who delivered attentive and reliable service. We didn’t just offer customized structures, stage design, high-definition LED walls, and immersive projections, but we also carefully studied the location to adopt the best solutions and ensure complete client satisfaction. The convention was a triumph of organization and innovation, and we are proud to have played a fundamental role in its success. Our technical excellence, combined with creativity, made the event unforgettable.


JW Marriott Venice Resort&Spa

Our method

Our method is based on efficient and detailed planning. The different phases of a project are controlled and verified step by step: from our technical office to the creative one, each project is followed by a dedicated project manager, and our production staff monitors the design and execution of the events.


We are always in search of the most modern solutions and exclusive technologies to ensure the best solutions for the client’s needs. We have gained experience and proven competence in diverse contexts, managing the design and technical support for any type of location. We have learned to interpret environments and make them interact with our clients’ desires and needs.

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