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Lighting for weddings and private events: the perfect make-up for any venue

As for all our projects, our ultimate goal when developing customised lighting solutions for weddings, celebrations, gala dinners, and receptions is to help you choose the most suitable technical set-up for your perfect event.

Architectural lighting

Architectural lighting enhances the external beauty of any venue. Each element of the façade is flattered by the use of light and shadow to create optical illusions and depth: depending on the effect we want to achieve, we use different types of projectors such as uplights or wall washers. Lenses are also chosen according to the surface we want to highlight and the type of lighting we want to recreate.

Scenographic lighting

We also provide innovative solutions for internal illumination, highlighting frescos, stucco and other decorations with various types of projectors and different shades of light, to ensure perfectly lit interiors. Our aim is to emphasise the aesthetics of your setting without detracting from its natural beauty.

Lighting for gardens and stages

Careful attention must be paid to every detail of all the spaces at your venue, which is why we also design the outdoor areas, with lighting to suit different types of gardens, trees and plants. We illuminate leaves and branches to create a harmonious and functional atmosphere and guide your guests. Our scenographic lighting turns trees into huge natural chandeliers that play with light and shadow. For tall plants such as palms, olives and tall trees with little foliage, the aim is to enhance their height.

Spotlights - table lighting

A lighting project for weddings with accent lighting renowned for its ability to enhance and complement the romantic and refined atmosphere created by candles and floral decorations. Dinner tables, as well as the aperitif and dessert buffets, will become focal points thanks to overhead spotlights, ensuring the food is a delight not only for the palate, but also for the eyes.

Planning an event?

Fill in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible with all the info you need about our services and solutions for your event.

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